Agent News Bulletin


Agent Usenet Upgrade

Forte is pleased to announce several improvements to our premium news service, APN, all available at no extra cost.

Faster Header Downloads

Download newsgroup headers up to 10-times faster. Once you try it you’ll never go back. Take advantage of this feature using Agent 6.0 or any other news client that supports the new compressed header standard.

More Newsgroups

We now offer more then 107,000 newsgroups. If there's a newsgroup you can't find, we'll be surprised. But if there is, just tell us and we'll add it.

Improved Article Completion and Retention

APN provides subscribers with binary completion rates over 99%. Most binary groups have well over 300 days retention, while text group messages are retained for over 1.5 years.

Agent Usenet / Agent 6.0 Promotion

When you purchase Agent 6.0 you will also receive a free 12 GB / 3 month account (36GB total download) for Agent Usenet.

About Forté

Forté develops the Agent family of products. Agent 6.0 is the most powerful news reader and email program for managing communications available today. Additionally Forté provides Agent Usenet, a high-speed Usenet news service feed. Forté is also developing social communication software for groups and organizations.


The Forté Team

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